We recently launched the exciting new white wine Vinturi on our site. The red Vinturis have been immensely popular, (receiving over 200 rave customer reviews) . People love the sleek design, ease-of-use and most importantly, the incredible results it can have on wine’s flavor and aroma. It seemed only natural to offer a white version. So, why do you need a different aerator for white wines?
It’s true that many white wines do not need aeration. But young, full-bodied whites like Viognier or old, luscious whites like white Burgundy, can greatly benefit. A white with exotic aromas needs a delicate touch of air that can make those aromas really sing. The white Vinturi aerator is specifically engineered with smaller, more delicate pores that are gentle on a white’s unique composition. The wine travels through the Vinturi faster so that the wine receives just enough aeration, without being broken down. Watch our video demo, to learn how it works: